I’LL shut up about Donald Trump one day. Or I will when he stops saying stupid things. So, that means I won’t. Shut up. For ever until time’s last fart, although both of us might be long gone by then.
Trump’s new girlfriend on the political block received rave reviews for her flying visit to Washington. The parts I saw while hiding behind the sofa were a burp short of nauseating. Gruesome backslapping from Theresa May and Trump. Cheesy grandstanding all round. And Mrs Maybe being just a bit too eager to pal up with Trump, as if all the Brexit bother could disappear in an orange puff.
What I don’t want to shut up about today is Trump’s closure of US borders. The USA is, you may recall, a country of immigrants. A country made great by immigration. Trump himself has immigrant roots and he has married a few, too. I believe his present wife is an immigrant.
Yet he wants to suspend the US Refugee Admissions Programme for 120 days. Ban refugees from Syria indefinitely. And suspend for 90 days anyone arriving from seven Muslim-majority countries. That’s Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.
His presidential decree applied to people who already had visas. And it left refugees stranded at airports.
Thankfully, an American judge has put a stop to all this inhumane nonsense, at least for now. This bit of Trumpery was declared illegal. Federal Judge Ann Donnelly, in New York, prevented the removal from the US of people with approved refugee applications, valid visas and “other individuals… legally authorised to enter the United States”.
The judge also mentioned risk of “substantial and irreparable injury” to those affected.
Well done that judge. Perhaps Donald Trump will now realise that just because a thought jumps into his head like a pop-tart escaping a toaster doesn’t mean it’s sensible. Or even legal.
But don’t bet on it. Trump took to Twitter this morning to say: “Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW.” Yesterday he told reporters that the executive order was “working out very nicely. You see it at the airports, you see it all over”.
Now it’s not working out quite so very nicely. And let’s raise a cheer to that judge. And raise a boo for Mrs Maybe. Long before her dizzy Transatlantic dash to hold Trump’s tiny hand, she described would-be candidate Trump’s suggestion that Muslims should be banned from the US as: “Divisive, unhelpful and wrong.” Quite so. It was then and it still is now.
Sadly, Trump is a man who builds towers. And while those towers are tall, none is as vertiginous as his ego.