What sort of a dunderhead thinks the BBC is biased against the Tories?

I see that MailOnline has dredged up a row about the BBC being biased against the Conservatives after a nurse who was interviewed about NHS cuts was revealed to be a Jeremy Corbyn supporter.

Now this is only a guess, but perhaps the three nurses in the country who support the Tories weren’t available.

Maybe they’d all joined one of those Theresa May rallies you see on the BBC news every bloody night, where handpicked supporters carrying placards are arranged in an adoring huddle to gaze in wonderment at She Who Must Be Obeyed.

Honestly, the other night a young man in a blue tie stared so hard at his leader he looked like a stalker. I reckon Mrs May should check her washing line to make sure that man hasn’t been stealing her underwear.

The BBC has an almost impossible job during election times, attempting to be even-handed while covering weeks of wall-to-wall politics, most of which may be important but it’s hardly news in the strictest sense of being new. It’s just an empty-vessel political charade in which politics is reduced to a vacuous slanging match. No one really discusses anything; they just shout.

This latest row erupted – that’s if one Tory MP moaning can be called an eruption – after a nurse called Danielle Tiplady appeared on the BBC News Channel’s 5pm bulletin last night and endorsed Labour’s plan to end the one per cent pay cap on NHS rises.

Presenter Huw Edwards introduced her as a ‘community nurse from London’ but made no mention of her being a Corbyn supporter during the five-minute interview. According to the MailOnline: “The broadcast was seized upon as an attempt by the BBC to promote Mr Corbyn and his policies.”

If you are wondering what sort of a dunderhead could possibly think such a thing, let me introduce you to Tory MP Andrew Bridgen, who told MainOnline: “The Conservative Party gave up expecting balance and impartiality from the BBC a long time ago. The fact is, however biased the BBC is, even they cannot possibly get Jeremy Corbyn across the line and into No 10.”

This is the same BBC that is constantly harried by the supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, who feel certain that the Corporation is horribly biased towards their man. I guess the BBC must be doing something right if both sides accuse it of bias.

I would say that the BBC has a bias towards small ‘c’ conservatism, but other than that mostly tries to be fair. Bias is often in the eye of the beholder anyway

In the case of Nurse Tiplady, the BBC did tell MailOnline that it should have made clear she was a Corbyn supporter. That’s fair enough, but it hardly amounts to a BBC plot against the Tories, as Mr Bridgen maintains.

During elections, the newspapers are free to say what they want, and as most of them have right-wing affections, they constantly rant against Labour. This has been going on just about forever. In April 1992, Neil Kinnock was placed in a lightbulb on the front page of the Sun next to the headline: “If Kinnock wins today will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights.”

While most newspapers are rampantly partial, the BBC tries to tread a cautious path down the middle. Yet the newspapers have a lot of clout in setting the news agenda, and sometimes the BBC seems to be following a line or story got up in that morning’s newspapers. That isn’t exactly bias, but it is allowing itself to be pulled along in the gale.

What you can expect between now the election day is that the anti-Labour papers will portray Jeremy Corbyn as unfit for office while also stressing how dangerous he is. This double approach is because the Conservatives want to obliterate Corbyn – but they still want him to look like a credible enemy, otherwise their supporters might think the election is a done deal and not bother going out to vote.

As for Nurse Tiplady, perhaps the BBC should round up a collection of doctors and nurses who support the Conservative Party and truly believe that the Tories have the best interests of the NHS at heart. Mind you, there are only six weeks left and they might have trouble finding any in that time.

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